We had to be under Satan's rule, so the Lord stepped back and allowed Satan to seal up the Word of God with his lies/seals/wiles/and arrows Rev. 5:1ff; Eph. 6:10-20 so Satan could convince evil men to murder Christ with the authority of the LXX, religions and the preaching of men before the completion of the Bible in 70 AD Judas 3. He had to rule with the moral standards of men to gather together his mega sword of every wind of the doctrine of men Rev. 6:4, and it took his rule over the kingdoms of men to convince the rich, and elite they would inherit the earth if they depopulated it 1 Cor. 2:6-16; James 3:14-16; 5:7-11, contrary to the sealed up will/manna/revelation of the Lord Eph. 1:19; Rev. 2:17; 1 Cor. 2:7; Luke 13:19.
But if you can't believe Christ will resume His reign over His Kingdom with His restored Bible from heaven - the Rod of Iron- the Royal Law of Agape love- the Perfect Law of Liberty, as foreshadowed by every dual prophecy in the Bible about the last days or end times of Satan's rule over the kingdoms of men Dan. 2:44: 12:4, 9. If, you can't believe that Satan, all unrepentant men, Matt. 7:21ff.; Rev. 18:4, and every stumbling block will again be cast off/ burned off this world John 12:31ff. as the sun goes nova Rev. 8; Acts 2:17-21, in about 43 years, making a new heaven and a new earth for the meek to inherit Matt. 5:5, just before Christ resumes His reign over the new heaven and earth.
If you cannot believe the Lord‘s promise 2 Pet. 3; John 8:32, you, like Saul, will keep kicking against the pricks until your road to Damascus conversion.
The restoration of the Bible means the end of Satan's rule and human suffering Job; James 5:7-11 because no one is allowed to, or can, stand against the Word of God once completed or restored Isa. 55:8ff; Eph 3:20ff.; Rom. 5:13; Acts 17:30, and we will have every spiritual blessing in Christ in the kingdom of heaven AKA the great wedding feast, with peace on earth and agape love for all.
If the Lord has granted you to know the mysteries of the Kingdom Matt. 13:11, through his dual prophecy in the New Testament, He instructs you to repent of Gnosticism - the subjective truth ways of men, for the second age of the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Put your hand on the plow and never look back. Fight the good fight of the one true faith by picking up the Sword of the Spirit, the Bible in part 1 Cor. 13:9-12 and getting every wind of the doctrine of men, Satan's mega sword, his darts and arrows Rev. 6:4, out of the Bibles of men Eph. 6:10-20.
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