For 1680 years, since the apostacy away from the Hebrew and Greek Bible, Judas 3 Christianity, the kingdom of heaven, and salvation brought down from heaven 2 Thess.
Come let us reason together!!!! For 43 years I have been frustrated that that Satan stolen our peace, sanity and ability to properly reason. But now I am starting to understand why I had to work this out alone. It may or may not seem important to you, but I am excited to to give you answers for my reasons in believing Christ has all authority, and that He is the only qualified mediator/preacher between God and man! We have been in the second great fall of man 2 Thess. 2:3, the Spiritual dark ages, without the Bible or God's moral standard. Cf. Monkeys song "shades of gray."
The Sword of the Spirit, the two edged Sword of God, two edges, I believe meaning for three years Christ preached the gospel of the kingdom giving us the Bible Matt. 4:23, plus the 40 years work of the Holy Spirit cf. Acts; Micah 7:15 of the Holy Spirit that resulted in completing and giving to the world the Greek and Hebrew Bible once and for all time to the saints Judas 3. The Greek and Hebrew Bible AKA the Royal Law of Love, AKA the Perfect Law of Liberty, AKA The Rod of Iron, that Christ wields from heaven as He rules over His KIngdom.
But again any of my answers might be incorrect. Let God be true and every man a liar Rom. 3:4. My job is to show you why and how to take the lies of Satan out of the Bibles of men, so that the Godhead can give us warnings about the second coming, and that so together we can fight the good fight of faith.
Come let us reason together!!!! For 43 years I have been frustrated that that Satan stolen our peace, sanity and ability to properly reason. But now I am starting to understand why I had to work this out alone. It may or may not seem important to you, but I am excited to to give you answers for my reasons in believing Christ has all authority, and that He is the only qualified mediator/preacher between God and man! We have been in the second great fall of man 2 Thess. 2:3, the Spiritual dark ages, without the Bible or God's moral standard. Cf. Monkeys song "shades of gray."
The Sword of the Spirit, the two edged Sword of God, two edges, I believe meaning for three years Christ preached the gospel of the kingdom giving us the Bible Matt. 4:23, plus the 40 years work of the Holy Spirit cf. Acts; Micah 7:15 of the Holy Spirit that resulted in completing and giving to the world the Greek and Hebrew Bible once and for all time to the saints Judas 3. The Greek and Hebrew Bible AKA the Royal Law of Love, AKA the Perfect Law of Liberty, AKA The Rod of Iron, that Christ wields from heaven as He rules over His KIngdom.
But again any of my answers might be incorrect. Let God be true and every man a liar Rom. 3:4. My job is to show you why and how to take the lies of Satan out of the Bibles of men, so that the Godhead can give us warnings about the second coming, and that so together we can fight the good fight of faith.
What is the significance of 43 years? How is the 43 years calculated?